Yerba Smudge
Yerba santa is a plant that is traditionally used in smudging rituals for a variety of purposes, including:
- Protection: Yerba santa is used to set boundaries and for protection.
- Healing: Yerba santa is said to help with respiratory ailments like coughs, colds, asthma, and chronic bronchitis. It is also thought to help with grief and broken hearts.
- Emotional release: Yerba santa is used to release emotional pain stored in the heart chakra.
- Spiritual practice: Yerba santa is used in sacred and spiritual work. It is thought to promote healing and create an emotionally grounded environment.
- Blessings: Yerba santa is said to bring blessings to a space.
Yerba santa is also known as "Holy Herb" or mountain balm. The California Chumash Indians named it
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